Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Organize Your Life...

Happy New Year Everyone! I know, things have been so jam packed busy this new year, I have been neglecting you guys!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

We all set New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year, and be honest..most of us never follow through the whole year with it..and if you are one of the select few who does..PLEASE provide tips to how you did it!

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to get more organized.  Our house was a bit of a mess.  And not the mess that the house cleaners can clean..the disorganized, nothing has a place type mess.  I felt that walking into our home only brought anxiety and stress.  I am determined to get our place organized, room by room. 

If you think about the overall house, and organizing becomes too overwhelming.  Think of each room as its own, and set a goal for yourself..the key is to setting a realistic goal.

The main room that should always stay organized is your bedroom.  This is the room that you sleep in, where it is the most crucial to feel relaxed in.

Problem 1: Your TV rules your bedroom.

Solution:  A television doesn’t belong in a well-ordered bedroom.  It brings with it remote controls, DVDs, cords, and other mess producing items that counter the main purposes of the room.  Bedrooms should be a cozy space for decompressing. 

Problem 2: Your closet door won’t shut.

Solution: It is time to start editing.  Ask yourself, what are my favorite clothes? And write your answers on a piece of paper.  When considering what to toss, refer to the list.  If you’re still afraid to get rid of items, ask yourself these questions: “Do I love it? Is it flattering? Is it the image I wanted to project?” If it is a “yes” to all three, then it’s a keeper.  Donate the castoff’s to your favorite charity.


The best way to organize a walk in closet is to set up zones, according to function based on the unique way you think about your wardrobe.

For example, when you are getting dressed, do you think first in term of occasion (work clothes, weekend clothes, evening clothes) or first by garment type (dress, suite, skirt, blouse), or first by season?  Arrange your clothes accordingly – creating a section for each category based on the way you think.  Within each section, arrange the clothes by color.  This creates a pleasing aesthetic and makes it much easier to assemble outfits.

Problem 3: Your night stand is piled sky-high with books.

Solution: You’ve been meaning to read those magazines and last week’s paper, but you’ve just been too tired at night to crack it open.  Well, since you can only read ONE thing at a time, that’s the magic number of publications that should be in your bedroom.  Keep the rest organized in your library or living room with a magazine rack or book shelf.

Images via House Beautiful
Hope this inspires you to get organized.  Trust me, an organized house = an organized life.  The key to success is organization.
